Saturday, October 7, 2023
HomeLifestyleBacon, Apple, & Candy Potato Pizza Is This Weekend's Cozy Dinner

Bacon, Apple, & Candy Potato Pizza Is This Weekend’s Cozy Dinner

Let’s get one thing straight: pizza is for all seasons. However there’s no denying that probably the most conventional variations function all of the produce stars of summer time: tomato and basil or peach and pesto? Scrumptious, sure, however by no means what I’m yearning for the autumn months. So, now that we’re a methods into October, it’s the proper time to roll out the bacon, apple, and candy potato pizza I’ve been perfecting for y’all.

In the event you’ve hung round right here for some time, you realize that I’m sort of into pizza, and very into experimenting with unconventional toppings. This one options candy potatoes (fairly probably the world’s most excellent vegetable, IMHO), sliced thinly and roasted like yummy “chips,” plus thinly sliced apples, crispy bacon, fairly pink onions, and that fried crispy sage that will probably be your new dependancy. All of it comes collectively for an autumnal pizza topping combo that’s a little bit decadent and so much scrumptious, and I do know you’re gonna like it. So, let’s seize our dough and go!

The best way to Assemble Your Pizza

Let’s begin originally: my simple home made pizza dough recipe. I’ve made the identical one for the previous 10 years, with simply a few small updates alongside the best way. Often, I’ve a ball of dough within the freezer, which I thaw within the fridge in a single day, after which let relaxation on the counter for a few hours earlier than it’s time to stretch. You wish to get all the nippiness off of it in order that the dough is completely pliable, with out tearing.

Subsequent, it’s time to stretch. Stretching your pizza dough, versus rolling it out, lets you kind that scrumptious, chewy crust across the edges and permits me to create extra of a spherical pizza form. I comply with the stretching approach described within the Gjelina cookbook:

“Along with your fingertips, punch the air out of the dough and press your fingers into the middle and lengthen outward to form the mass right into a small disk. Proceed to press your fingers and palm down on the middle of the dough whereas turning together with your different hand, pushing out the dough from the middle however sustaining an ethereal rim across the perimeter. Proceed stretching out the dough on the work floor together with your hand by spreading your fingers so far as you possibly can as you flip the dough… You might be completed stretching the dough when it’s 10 to 12 inches in diameter and skinny sufficient to be able to learn a newspaper by means of it.”

Don’t neglect to make use of loads of flour when kneading and stretching your scrumptious dough!

Ideas for Making the Greatest Candy Potato Pizza

Sure, a candy potato pizza is a bit uncommon, and the important thing to preserving it flavor-packed and by no means heavy is to chop your candy potato slices tremendous skinny, ideally on a mandoline. I additionally echoed these tremendous skinny slices by utilizing my mandoline to chop my pink onion and apple paper skinny. The tip result’s a pizza with layers of fall taste and a stunning mixture in each chunk. Simply add creamy goat cheese and mozzarella, and crispy, smoky bacon and fried sage, and we’ve mainly moved into fall heaven territory. Don’t be alarmed by the shortage of pizza sauce—you gained’t even discover the distinction with the entire flavors happening right here.

The best way to Make Fried Sage

Now for the pièce de résistance: fried sage leaves. I make these so ceaselessly by means of the autumn months that I’d as effectively have a pan of scorching olive oil happening the range always. These costume up a plate of pasta, roasted butternut squash, or a complete roast hen in a single fell swoop, they usually couldn’t be less complicated. Right here’s the way to make fried sage:

  • In a small sauté pan, add sufficient olive oil to cowl the underside of the pan by 1/2″. Warmth over medium-high till it sizzles once you add a drop of water.
  • Fastidiously place sage leaves in a single layer within the oil. Fry for 1 minute, then use a slotted spoon to switch the sage to a paper towel-lined plate. Prime with one other paper towel to press out extra oil. Eat as quickly as doable whereas it’s nonetheless crispy and scorching!

The Tacky Topping

There’s one thing about goat cheese that feels very fall to me. Maybe as a result of it’s such a pleasant complement to apples, pears, and winter squash. Right here, it performs completely with all the comfortable flavors. Even Adam (not the most important goat cheese fan) didn’t take concern with it because the mixture with creamy mozzarella cheese tamps down the energy of its taste.

And there you may have it: the bacon, apple, and candy potato pizza I’ll be devouring by means of all of October and past. Sure, you need to use a store-bought pizza crust and bake to maintain prep time low, and sure, you need to use a gluten-free crust or vegan cauliflower crust if that works higher for you. As I’ve shared earlier than, I’m a pizza lover by means of and thru, and there are only a few issues you would do to a pizza that I wouldn’t love.

Can’t wait to listen to if you happen to give this one a attempt, and remember to charge and assessment, and tag us @camillestyles on Instagram so we are able to see your model. Talking of which, we’d like an official Camille Types Pizza hashtag! Any recommendations?


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This candy potato pizza with bacon, apple, and fried sage leaves is bursting with fall flavors. It’s an autumn pizza made for cozy nights.

  • 1 ball pizza dough (sufficient to make 10 – 12″ pizza)
  • 1 massive clove garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon butter, melted
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, plus extra for frying
  • 1 small candy potato, peeled
  • 1 apple, peeled
  • 1/2 pink onion, peel discarded
  • 2 or 3 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled
  • 4 ounces mozzarella
  • 4 ounces goat cheese crumbles
  • 12 sage leaves
  • flaky salt, like Maldon

  1. Preheat pizza stone on the underside rack of a 500 F oven for a minimum of 20 minutes.
  2. Make garlic butter by combining minced garlic, melted butter, and olive oil. Put aside.
  3. On a mandoline, thinly slice candy potato, apple, and pink onion. Put aside.
  4. On a well-floured pizza peel, stretch your pizza dough to a ten – 12″ spherical. (Learn the way to stretch dough above, or watch me do it right here.)
  5. Unfold garlic butter in a skinny layer on prime of your pizza, evenly distributing the garlic. Prime with bacon, candy potato, apple, and some pink onion slices.
  6. Tear mozzarella and toss over the elements, then sprinkle on goat cheese crumbles.
  7. Rapidly open the oven door, and slide your pizza onto the new pizza stone—work quick in order that the oven loses as little warmth as doable. Cook dinner for 10 minutes.
  8. In the meantime, make fried sage: In a small sauté pan, add sufficient olive oil to cowl the underside of the pan by 1/2″. Warmth over medium-high till it sizzles once you add a drop of water.
  9. Fastidiously place sage leaves in a single layer within the oil. Fry for 1 minute, then use a slotted spoon to switch the sage to a paper towel-lined plate. Prime with one other paper towel to press out extra oil. 
  10. When the pizza is golden brown on the perimeters and the cheese is melted, use your pizza peel to slip it out of the oven.
  11. Slice into wedges, then prime your pizza with fried sage leaves, a drizzle of olive oil, and flaky salt. Eat!





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