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HomeYogaFish Pose (Matsyasana): The best way to Do, Advantages, Precautions and Variations

Fish Pose (Matsyasana): The best way to Do, Advantages, Precautions and Variations

fish pose
Picture Supply: Shutterstock

Fish Pose, identified in Sanskrit as Matsyasana, is a traditional yoga asana that embodies grace and stability. This pose is taken into account heart-opening and acts as a catalyst for the activation and stability of the center chakra, referred to as the “anahata” in yoga philosophy. By opening the center chakra, Matsyasana invitations a deep sense of compassion, love and acceptance, each for oneself and for others.

Fish Pose is extremely efficient for strengthening the decrease and center again, firming the core (abs), loosening the hips, soothing the neck, and rejuvenating the shoulders. Its follow offers each energy and aid, lightening the every day burdens of life.

Origin and Philosophy

Matsyasana was first described within the historical Yoga textual content, GherandaSamhita, within the seventeenth century that states its medieval presence.

As well as, well-known yoga masters corresponding to Swami Satyanand Saraswati and BKS Iyengar have included Matsyasana into their sequences. In Hatha Yoga, Matsyasana occupies the distinguished place of the fifth of the twelve primary postures.

The title “Fish pose” or “Matasyasana” derives from the concept that when doing this asana in water, one can have the feeling of floating like a fish. This reference to water provides a singular dimension to the title of the posture.

BKS Iyengar additionally shares the religious side of Matsyasana, dedicating it to the fish incarnation of Lord Vishnu. In keeping with mythology, this incarnation performed a vital function in saving Manu and the seven nice sages (Saptrishi) together with all of the Vedas from an impending common flood, thereby preserving the world’s knowledge. Matsyasana symbolizes this outstanding act of rescue and knowledge preservation

The best way to Do Fish Pose(Matsyasana)

fish pose instructions
Picture Supply: Shutterstock
  • Start by mendacity flat in your again together with your arms alongside your physique and your palms dealing with down.
  • Cross your legs in a snug place, which may very well be Padmasana (Lotus Pose) or a variation that fits you.
  • Take a deep breath to heart your self.
  • Whereas exhaling, decrease your legs in direction of the ground and concurrently arch your again. Elevate your chest and neck off the ground.
  • Flip your head backward and relaxation the crown of your head on the ground.
  • Maintain onto your ft and attempt to deliver your elbows to the ground, rising the arch in your again.
  • Keep this place for 30-60 seconds, all whereas taking deep breaths. You possibly can both shut your eyes or gaze straight forward.
  • Guarantee your backbone is stretched, the crown of your head is on the ground, your chest is lifted, and your neck is stretched.
  • Launch the Pose: Inhale, launch the arch, and gently relaxation the again of your head on the ground.
  • Inhale once more, launch your legs, and loosen up.


If you’re having hassle in retaining your legs in Padmasana (Lotus Pose), you possibly can attempt it with straight legs. Right here you must preserve your legs stretched & straight and place your forearms on the ground. Remainder of the place of the physique stay similar as above.

Fish Pose Modification

Newbie’s Ideas

  • To start with, you would possibly discover the above pose a bit difficult to attain. Subsequently, you possibly can begin by mendacity flat in your again and stretching your arms over your head.
  • If you’re having problem touching the crown of your head to the ground, you possibly can place a yoga block beneath your head. Alternatively, when you really feel comfy together with your head hanging, you possibly can go away it in that place.
  • Putting a rolled blanket beneath your again is an effective choice because it offers assist to your again.
  • Be happy to ask a good friend or yoga teacher for assist in reaching this pose appropriately.

Precautions and Contraindications

  • Don’t put too a lot weight on the crown of your head; relaxation it gently on the ground.
  • Don’t overstretch your physique; stretch your physique solely so far as it permits.
  • Carry out Fish Pose solely on an empty abdomen or at the least 4 hours after having a meal.
  • Don’t pressure your neck; preserve it inside the arch shaped by the backbone.
  • Keep away from this asana when you have Spondylitis (irritation of the vertebra), as this asana places strain in your neck and backbone, which will be dangerous in such a situation.
  • You probably have blood strain issues, migraines, or coronary heart points, seek the advice of your physician earlier than performing Matsyasana. It’s higher to keep away from this asana in such circumstances.
  • Strictly keep away from this asana when you have a deep or current harm to the neck, elbows, core, or backbone.
  • As this asana places strain on the stomach space, it’s not beneficial for pregnant girls.

Fish Pose(Matsyasana) Variations

Fish Pose, or Matsyasana, presents a number of variations that cater to practitioners with totally different ranges of expertise and adaptability. These variations permit people to adapt the pose to their wants and step by step progress of their follow. Listed here are some notable Fish Pose variations:

  • Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord Fishes Pose): This variation is appropriate for rookies or these with restricted flexibility. As a substitute of lifting the chest completely off the ground, just one facet of the chest is lifted whereas the alternative shoulder stays grounded. This reduces the depth of the backbend and is a superb approach to construct flexibility step by step.
ardha matsyendrasana practice guide
Picture Supply: Canva
  • Supported Fish Pose: To follow this variation, you’d place a yoga block or a cushion beneath your higher again as you carry out Fish Pose. This offers further assist and permits for a extra relaxed and restorative expertise.
Supported Fish Pose Variations
Picture Supply: Shutterstock

Advantages of Fish Pose(Matsyasana)

  1. Enhanced Higher Physique Flexibility

Common follow of Fish pose enhances the flexibleness of the higher physique, selling a variety of movement. This pose successfully stretches the muscle tissues of the chest, neck, and shoulders, offering aid from stiffness and pressure. It’s significantly useful for people who expertise tightness within the higher physique resulting from sedentary life or poor posture.

2. Strengthened Hips and Backbone

Fish pose aids within the strengthening and improved mobility of the hips and backbone. By arching the again and lifting the chest, it engages the muscle tissues round these areas, enhancing stability and adaptability. That is particularly priceless for these in search of to alleviate discomfort or ache within the decrease again and hip area.

3. Improved Blood Circulation to the Head

The asana encourages a correct stream of blood to the pinnacle and mind, which nourishes the pituitary and pineal glands. This not solely enhances mind operate but additionally helps cut back stress, nervousness, and despair. The elevated blood circulation to the pinnacle offers a way of psychological readability and leisure.

4. Neck and Shoulder Firming

Fish pose successfully tones the muscle tissues and bones of the neck and shoulders. It opens up these muscle teams and enhances their alignment. Moreover, it’s useful for people with rounded shoulders, aiding in correcting posture and lowering the danger of associated points.

5. Chest Opener and Improved Lung Capability

Fish Pose is a incredible chest opener train. It expands the chest and will increase lung capability, facilitating correct respiration and prana (life drive) stream. This promotes respiratory well being, making it a wonderful selection for people trying to improve their lung operate.

6. Regulation of Metabolism and Calcium Ranges

The mild neck stretch and therapeutic massage of the thyroid and parathyroid glands that happens throughout Matsyasana have constructive results on metabolism and calcium regulation. This asana helps keep the physique’s metabolic processes and calcium stability, contributing to total well being.

7. Soothing Digestive System

The asana’s mild stretch within the belly area massages varied belly organs, together with the liver, kidneys, and intestines. This aids in soothing the digestive system, offering aid from points like constipation, indigestion, and associated digestive discomfort.

8. Aid from Menstrual Ache

Matsyasana presents a mild stretch to the hip flexors, pelvis, and decrease and center again. In addition to selling a wholesome and versatile backbone, it’s significantly helpful for girls as it may well alleviate menstrual ache and discomfort.

9. Stimulation of Coronary heart and Throat Chakras

Matsyasana stimulates the Coronary heart Chakra (Anahata) and Throat Chakra (Visuddha). This stimulation enhances self-expression, self-belief, and emotional development. It is a superb selection for these trying to work on their coronary heart and throat vitality facilities for emotional and religious improvement.

Fish Pose/Matsyasana FAQs

How lengthy ought to I maintain Fish Pose(Matsyasana)?

Maintain Fish Pose for 30 to 60 seconds whereas taking deep breaths. Progressively enhance the period as your flexibility improves.

Is Fish Pose(Matsyasana) appropriate for rookies?

Sure, Fish Pose will be practiced by rookies. It’s essential to start out slowly, use props if wanted, and work inside your flexibility limits.

Can Fish Pose assist enhance posture?

Sure, Fish Pose may help enhance posture by stretching the chest and shoulders. It counteracts the rounding of the shoulders related to poor posture.

What precautions ought to I take with Fish Pose?

Keep away from straining your neck, placing an excessive amount of weight in your head, or training it with particular medical circumstances, corresponding to spondylitis, hypertension, or current neck or backbone accidents.

Is it essential to cross the legs in Fish Pose?

Crossing the legs in a lotus place is elective. You possibly can preserve your legs straight when you discover it extra comfy.

Can Fish Pose relieve menstrual ache?

The mild stretch supplied by Fish Pose can alleviate menstrual ache by engaged on the hip flexors, pelvis, and decrease again.

What’s the function of the pineal gland in Fish Pose?

Fish Pose encourages blood stream to the pinnacle and mind, nourishing the pineal gland and enhancing mind features.

What are the variations of Fish Pose?

There are a number of variations of Fish Pose, together with Ardha Matsyasana (Half Fish Pose) and Supported Fish Pose.



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