Thursday, November 23, 2023
HomeNutritionMushrooms in Marsala Sauce - Sharon Palmer, The Plant Powered Dietitian

Mushrooms in Marsala Sauce – Sharon Palmer, The Plant Powered Dietitian

Do you like a traditional Italian-American Marsala recipe? Then soar proper on this Mushrooms in Marsala Sauce recipe, which is a vegan Rooster Marsala various to your plant-based menu. A conventional Marsala recipe consists of breaded and fried hen cooked in a wealthy marsala mushroom sauce. However on this plant-based model, savory mushrooms take the complete place of hen to create a comforting, satisfying recipe filled with taste and attraction. Simply bread 1 pound of your favourite mushrooms, comparable to chanterelle mushrooms, cremini mushrooms, or button mushrooms, sauté them with onions and garlic till they’re golden and tender, after which cook dinner with a Marsala wine sauce till the combination is thick and bubbly. Now you may serve this vegetarian mushroom marsala sauce over pasta, complete grains, or boiled, baked or mashed potatoes for the most effective dinner ever! You may get this finances pleasant recipe on the desk in simply over half-hour with solely 9 elements (not together with pantry staples). If you wish to add some protein to this recipe, simply stir in cubed tofu. You possibly can simply make this a gluten free mushroom marsala by swapping out flour for cornstarch.

What’s Marsala Wine?

Marsala is a fortified wine made in Sicily. It’s scrumptious in cooking, as a result of it lends a wealthy, caramelized taste to dishes. You will discover Marsala wine in lots of effectively stocked wine outlets or supermarkets. It’s a key ingredient of this recipe. What are you able to substitute for Marsala wine? You possibly can strive Madeira wine, port, or sherry.

Mushrooms on the market on the Ojai farmers market

What Kind of Mushrooms to Use for this Recipe?

You should use no matter mushroom you want for this recipe, together with chanterelle mushrooms, cremini mushrooms, or button mushrooms. I used cinnamon cap mushrooms I bought from my farmers market in Ojai, that are regionally produced in my area. The principle factor to think about is that the mushrooms are the star of this recipe, so that you need massive items you can bread and saute. Meatier texture mushrooms work higher than extra delicate mushrooms.


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This straightforward scrumptious vegan Mushrooms in Marsala Sauce recipe is a plant-based model of the standard Italian-American Rooster Marsala.

  1. Wash mushrooms and drain in a colander (mushrooms ought to be damp so that they stick with the breading). Trim powerful ends and slice mushrooms coarsely (mushrooms ought to be in massive items to create texture for this recipe). Place in a big bowl. 
  2. Combine collectively flour, poultry seasoning, salt (non-obligatory), and black pepper in a small bowl.
  3. Sprinkle flour combination over mushrooms and gently toss collectively together with your palms to coat the outer floor of the mushrooms evenly with the breading combination. Put aside.
  4. Warmth the olive oil in a massive saucepan or Dutch oven. Add the onions and garlic and sauté for five minutes, till they begin to soften.
  5. Add the vegan butter to the pan and soften. 
  6. Add the breaded mushrooms, together with any flour left within the bowl. 
  7. Sauté—gently stirring often–for about 8 minutes, till mushrooms are browned on exterior.
  8. Add vegetable broth and wine, stir effectively, and cook dinner for 10 minutes, till thickened, tender, and bubbly, stirring often to stop from sticking. 
  9. Add plant-based milk and cook dinner whereas stirring for a further 3 minutes, till heated via and bubbly. 
  10. Garnish with thyme. Serve with cooked potatoes or pasta. 


*Poultry seasoning is a seasoning mix together with dried floor sage, thyme, marjoram, rosemary, nutmeg, and black pepper. If you happen to can’t discover it, make it your self utilizing these herbs. 

You may make this a gluten free mushroom marsala by swapping out flour for cornstarch.

  • Prep Time: 12 minutes
  • Cook dinner Time: 23 minutes
  • Class: Facet Dish
  • Delicacies: American


  • Serving Measurement: 1 serving
  • Energy: 166
  • Sugar: 4 g
  • Sodium: 408 mg
  • Fats: 9 g
  • Saturated Fats: 3 g
  • Carbohydrates: 17 g
  • Fiber: 2 g
  • Protein: 5 g

Key phrases: marsala sauce, mushroom marsala sauce, chanterelle mushrooms, cremini mushrooms, button mushrooms

For different plant-based principal dish recipes, take a look at the next: 

Vegan Carbonara with Pumpkin
Butternut Squash Lasagna with Sage Walnut Sauce
Vegan Mushroom Stroganoff
BEST One-Pot Vegan Mac and Cheese
Tuscan Kale and White Bean Savory Pie
Baked Polenta with Oven Roasted Mushrooms
Swiss Chard Pecan Vegan Lasagna
Mushroom Lentil Vegan Meatballs

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