Thursday, December 21, 2023
HomeNewsWill Israel attain a deal on captives with Hamas? | Israel-Palestine battle

Will Israel attain a deal on captives with Hamas? | Israel-Palestine battle

Netanyahu insists the struggle on Gaza will proceed – regardless of rising anger over the Israeli military’s killing of three captives.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has once more declared its army marketing campaign in Gaza won’t cease till Hamas is defeated.

However with greater than 100 Israeli captives being held in Gaza, he’s going through rising public anger – and stress to do extra to safe their launch.

To make issues worse, Israel’s military says it mistakenly killed three of them – one was holding a white flag – throughout a army offensive within the strip.

That has led to 1000’s of Israelis protesting in Tel Aviv.

The top of Israel’s intelligence company Mossad has now met senior Qataris in Europe in one other try to safe a prisoner swap.

So, can Netanyahu agree on a deal after failing to safe the discharge of all of the captives? And the way is he coping with their households’ anger?

Presenter: Folly Bah Thibault


Alon Liel – Former Director Basic of Israel’s Ministry of Overseas Affairs and adviser to the households of the Israeli captives

Yossi Mekelberg – Affiliate fellow of the MENA Programme at Chatham Home

Sultan Barakat – Professor of Public Coverage at Hamad bin Khalifa College



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